Hardscapes endure a good deal of wear and tear throughout the year. It’s easy to think of maintaining them during the spring storms or the heavy summer traffic. But in the winter, we are happily basking in the warmth of our homes, and thoughts of our outdoor spaces are relegated to dreams of the summer past or planning for future gatherings. This is the time when Nature’s beastly weather takes its toll on our natural stones. Here are three tips for natural stone care and maintenance through the winter.

1.     Keep it Clear

Remove snow from deck pavers before it has a chance to melt. As snow melts, water floods into the cracks and pores of the stone. When the temperature drops below freezing again, the water expands as it turns to ice. This cycle can occur daily, widening gaps in pavers and cracking the stones. Some of this can be mitigated by having your hardscape floors sealed in the fall, ensuring a strong barrier against the winter elements.

2.     Be Kind to your Stone

Keeping your walkways and patios clear requires removal tools. The most common tool is, of course, the snow shovel. Metal snow shovels are fine for perfectly flat surfaces such as concrete driveways. Natural pavers require a bit more attention to keep them looking their best. A metal snow shovel can scratch the paving bricks, as well as scrape off sealers. Instead, try using a plastic snow shovel, or a snow brush to remove last night’s dusting.

3.     Careful with the Chemicals

When a layer of ice builds up on your deck pavers, many homeowners immediately go for the chemical solution. This can be detrimental to the sealant and stone beneath. Many chemicals are corrosive to natural stone. Check the manufacturer’s label to see if it is recommended for use on the type of stone in your hardscape. When in doubt, check with the supplier of your hardscaping materials for the best solution. If you are unable to determine a safe way to de-ice your walkway, use sand for better traction over the ice.

Winter means cold temperatures, ice, and snow. While your home may look like a winter wonderland as the fresh snow lays across your yard, below the surface, it’s preparing to wage an all-out war against your hardscape floor. The best defense is to move to closer to the Equator, but if that’s not possible, then these maintenance tips will go a long way to keeping your investment safe.