Outdoor Low Voltage Lighting

Often consumers confuse low voltage lighting with dim accent lights for walkways. Advances in LED technology have changed the reality of what is possible in energy efficient security lighting. By using LED, homeowners can have a safer yard without making their house look like a military installation. Thieves and vandals are discouraged by a well-lit property, but that doesn’t mean a homeowner needs to install searchlights and sodium vapor streetlights at every corner of the house. There are more economical ways to brighten those dark recesses.

Light vs. Power

Security lighting should be bright, and cost effective. Many consumers have been trained to believe that higher wattage means more light. Now in a time with low voltage traditional and LED lighting, higher wattage just means more wasted power. To achieve the light of 800 lumens, which is the same as the average incandescent 60 watt bulb, homeowners can now use just a 6-8 watt LED. That’s 10 low power LED lights for the power consumption of one!

Lighting the Right Places

While accent lighting may illuminate the effort a homeowner has put in to beautifying their yard, security lighting needs to be placed properly to keep a burglar from targeting your home. A single, or very few very bright lights may light the yard, but those lights will also create shadows for thieves to hide. A better approach is more lighting in more places. Low voltage lighting allows for this more even lighting, without racking up the power bill. Positioning lights higher from the ground will cast a larger circumference of light while also protecting it from being disabled. Professional landscape consultants can help identify where lights will be most effective for total light coverage, and provide the latest in installation techniques.


Placing a home landscape lighting security system in your yard will only deter thieves so long as it is kept in good working order. Traditional incandescent lights burn out quickly, requiring more high maintenance and upkeep time. Low power LED security lights lasts 40 times longer, making it a far greater value in terms of how much time is spent worrying about your lighting.


Security lighting isn’t just big sodium flood lights anymore. Low voltage security lighting comes in a wide array of styles. Whether your style is polished brass and stately or you’re looking for a more rustic mountain look, you don’t have to give up style for safety. Professionally installed lighting can be invisible to your landscape, or make that finishing touch statement.

Homeowners need to feel safe in their home. Outdoor home lighting placed with security in mind will help deter criminals from targeting your home. Low voltage security lighting is a bright and efficient way to achieve that goal.