Got Water Problems in Your Hampton Roads’ Yard?

Right now, the Tidewater region is in the midst of rainy spring season.. And that means continual water drainage problems for you. While you love living in Hampton Roads, you know the high water table causes significant property issues. There’s not a lot of room for water to drain when we get a hurricane or the typical thunderstorm.

Signs of Lawn Water Problems

It’s raining—hard and about two hours later it lets up. You look in your backyard and see ponding at the lower level of your property. The other day you noticed huge cracks in your home’s foundation, and you worry that your house is being destroyed with each rain drop that falls from the sky.

If you don’t have these two symptoms, you could still have yard drainage problems. Do you experience any of the following?

  • Downspouts dumping lots of water near the foundation of your home
  • Your home is located at the bottom of a slope
  • Runaway mulch or stones in your landscape
  • Flooding in your garage
  • Ponding at the bottom of your driveway.

If you experience any of the above problems whenever it rains, it’s time to call a professional landscape company to correct your flooding problems. Your landscape pro will

  1. Survey your property for water problem areas
  2. Develop a drainage plan
  3. Provide you with several options such as
    • Installing a dry creek bed
    • Adding a trench drain at the bottom of your driveway
    • Reinstalling your driveway, patio and walkways with permeable pavers
    • Extending your rain gutter to a rain garden
    • Adding a rain garden for those boggy areas of your landscape
    • Adding a swale to guide water flowing through your yard to a drain
    • Adding a berm or mound to lift landscapes up from the flat terrain
    • Adding an underground drain, such as a French drain, to dispense of excess water
    • Adding a dry well to move water away from your house and to disperse it underground.
  4. Organize the appropriate contractors and schedule your landscape project
  5. Oversee the project from beginning to end.

You can still have a beautiful landscape while managing your yard drainage challenges. A landscape company, such as Visionscapes, can help you change those low lying areas into havens that add interest, beauty and benefit the natural environment.

If you’re tired of your backyard looking like a small inlet, call us at (757) 673-7350 or fill out our contact form.


Gilmer, Maureen, “Solutions for Homesite Drainage,” Landscaping Network.

Huber, Jeanne, “7 Signs You Have a Drainage Problem,” House Logic.

Landscaping Network, “Driveway Drainage Solutions.”

This Old House, “How to Install a Dry Well,” YouTube.